Best 'US Office' Tattoos | Buy Stencil Honey online
19 June 2019 - 2022 days ago
The Office is probably (most definitely) undoubtedly one of the best TV shows in the history of television. The Office has given us 9 seasons of unrivaled comedy from the crew at Dunder-Mifflin. With so many hilarious characters to choose from, it's hard to pick which Scranton-based paper salesman you love the most. On the one hand, we absolutely love Jim Halpert, and we couldn't keep our eyes off the Jim and Pam saga, but we're also staunch followers of highest-ranking salesman Dwight K Schrute and his maniacal ways. Not forgetting everyone's favourite manager Michael Scott!
The Office has a cult following, and it's one of those shows that will forever have die-hard fans, (and where there are die-hard fans, there are fan tattoos). Whoever you love the most, we're sure you'll appreciate these amazing Office Tattoos. At Magnum Tattoo Supplies where you can buy Stencil Honey online, we've narrowed down some of our favourites, from Prison Mike to Hannibal Lecter Dwight, you'll love these incredible Office Tattoos!
"That's what she said". Michael Scott's most-used catchphrase. It never gets old. Artist unknown.
The Office has a cult following, and it's one of those shows that will forever have die-hard fans, (and where there are die-hard fans, there are fan tattoos). Whoever you love the most, we're sure you'll appreciate these amazing Office Tattoos. At Magnum Tattoo Supplies where you can buy Stencil Honey online, we've narrowed down some of our favourites, from Prison Mike to Hannibal Lecter Dwight, you'll love these incredible Office Tattoos!
"That's what she said". Michael Scott's most-used catchphrase. It never gets old. Artist unknown.
"The worst thing about prison was.. the Dementors!" Classic Prison Mike, done by our Sponsored Artist Danny Taylor.
A beautiful blackwork Dwight Schrute piece. Dwight's stern look is one of his most-loved and feared qualities. Artist unknown.
"Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica!!" If this isn't your favourite Office quote, then we don't know what is! Artist unknown.
"Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica!!" If this isn't your favourite Office quote, then we don't know what is! Artist unknown.
"Now Dwight knows not to cut the face off of a real person". A new-school Hannibal Lecter Dwight tattoo done by the incredible Kelly Doty.
This more realistic twist on Hannibal Dwight is insane! It captures his creepiness perfectly. Artist unknown.
"Dammit Jim!!". Jim and Dwight are known for their hilarious prank wars. Jim putting Dwight's stapler in the jelly was hilarious. Artist unknown.
If you're a fan of the Office and you've gone that one step further with your love for the guys over at Dunder Mifflin, then get in touch and show us your Office-themed tattoos! Just leave us a comment in the box below. Why not head over to our website where you'll find Stencil Honey online? Get your hands on this incredible new stencil solution today.
This more realistic twist on Hannibal Dwight is insane! It captures his creepiness perfectly. Artist unknown.
"Dammit Jim!!". Jim and Dwight are known for their hilarious prank wars. Jim putting Dwight's stapler in the jelly was hilarious. Artist unknown.
If you're a fan of the Office and you've gone that one step further with your love for the guys over at Dunder Mifflin, then get in touch and show us your Office-themed tattoos! Just leave us a comment in the box below. Why not head over to our website where you'll find Stencil Honey online? Get your hands on this incredible new stencil solution today.
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