Reelskin - Synthetic Tattooable Skin for Apprentices | Buy Reelskin online

27 July 2019

Being a tattoo apprentice can be extremely challenging, especially in the early days of your career before the nerve wracking day when you're finally able to put needle to actual skin. That's why there are plenty of synthetic tattoo skins on the market to help with the tattoo learning process, giving apprentices the perfect opportunity to learn on life-like skin.  This creates the most true to life experience as possible, as the 'skin' you practice on feels and looks just like real skin, but it takes the fear out of practicing on real skin. 

One of the best brands we've ever came across when it comes to synthetic tattoo skin is 'Reelskin'.  Reelskin have created a synthetic tattoo skin that's so life-like, it feels just like the real thing. It's stretchy and soft, just like real skin, and is available in a variety of forms, such as practice skins in A3, A4, and A5, and not only that but they've developed realistic body parts such as arms, legs, hands, and even a skull.  The sheets are double sided, so once you've used up one side you can just turn it over and move on to the next, giving you even more value for money.  The limbs are also ideal for seasoned artists who want a cool way to showcase their work in the studio or at conventions, in a 3D portfolio. 
With brands like Reelskin on the market, it may cut down on the amount of badly done tattoos on people done by novice artists who are still finding their way around their tattoo machine and haven't quite mastered the technical side of tattooing. It's great for those who are inexperienced and need a realistic setting to practice their work on during their apprenticeship, and it's a much better alternative to practicing on pig skin, oranges and melons etc. 

We've only stocked Reelskin for a couple of months, but already it's proven to be extremely popular.  It's a great quality practice skin that is perfect for beginners, and is much better than some of the more basic alternatives that you'll find online.  So, if you're after the perfect practice skin to learn on whilst undertaking your apprenticeship then look no further.  Check out Reelskin Tattoo Practice Skin on our website today.
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