Top Numbing Creams Available - Great Products To Soothe Your New Tattoo

26 October 2016

Tattoos are a great form of self-expression but they can be really painful. Don’t let this hinder you from going under the needle. There are some great aftercare products that help you ease and soothe the area after your tattoo, and there are also some numbing agents that help take the edge off during the tattoo process!

Get Hold Of Tattoo Aftercare To Soothe & Heal Your Tattoo 

ow does tattoo numbing cream work? 

Tattoo numbing cream contains Lidocaine which is a local anaesthetic. The main purpose of Lidocaine, and other local anaesthetics, is to stop the pain signals broadcasted through your nerve endings from reaching your brain. Some numbing creams use Benzocaine or Tetracaine as their active ingredient instead  of Lidocaine. Benzocaine and Tetracaine can be used when getting a tattoo but they are normally used to reduce pain or discomfort caused by minor skin irritations, cold sores, toothaches, sunburns or stings. They prevent pain by creating a chemical barrier stopping an electrical signal build up within your nerve endings. 

Here are some of the top tattoo numbing creams that help to numb the pain during the tattoo process.

  • Greencaine

This professional grade topical numbing cream combines a non-greasy Aloe Vera formula with 4% lidocaine hydrochloride. It comes in a large 4oz tube that has been pre-cycled. Pre-cycling means pre-consumer recycling. This “earth friendly” concept allows Greencaine to take advantage of corporate waste, by purchasing unused surplus packaging that would normally end up in landfills. 

  •  Topicaine

Tattoo numbing cream Topicaine Anaesthetic Cream comes in a handy 30g tube and contains 5% Lidocaine. Designed to numb the skin before settling under the needle. This cream is so easy to apply and has a non-greasy formula. Simply apply and leave for around 20 minutes while it kicks in. Be patient for best results! It would keep you numb for upwards of an hour.  

  • UltraNumb 

UltraNumb is a maximum strength, water-based topical cream that contains 6% Lidocaine. This one is highly- recommended by tattoo artists. Numbness can last up to four hours. One of the strongest pain-free numbing creams on the market.   

  • Dr. Numb.

Dr. Numb is an FDA approved cream containing the highest allowed amount of Lidocaine. This is definitely one of the most well-known numbing cream for tattoos. It lasts for around an hour and it really works wonders. This health- certified cream is ideal for shorter procedures such as tattoo touch ups and piercings. It is recommended by most tattoo shops and dermatology clinics worldwide.  

Numbing Creams can be quite difficult to come by, so we'd definitely recommend going for a great quality aftercare that will keep your new tattoo moisturised and soothed during the aftercare process. Shop our extensive range of tattoo aftercare - an essential part of the healing process for your new tattoo!

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