Collection: Stainless Steel Grips

14 products

As the point of contact between a tattooist and his or her machine, the grip provides an integral part of the tattooists set up. Here at Magnum Tattoo supplies we provide a range of options for every possible preference, whether it's the sleek look and rigid feel of a stainless steel grip or the softer grip texture of our silicone grips.

Stainless steel tattoo machine grips are designed in a range of sizes to suit the majority of machines and the artist's own preferences. Though the connecting end is a standardised fitting, designed to attach and release from the body of the device so that it can be dissembled for cleaning and storage, there can be an enormous variety of sizes and shapes of grip. In addition to the size and thickness, altering the way it feels in the hand, some artists believe that a larger steel grip helps to create balance for the weight of the mechanism at the other end, allowing them to be more delicate in their handling of the machine and improving the work they create. Whatever the size preference, we will have it in our range.