Items used as a display/demonstration model, items like new but may show some very slight signs of use
After 4 years on the market, ArtDriver have taken all the feedback from their distributors and clients, and used it to develop their new rotary, the Z3.
They've taken the elements that make the S and F Power models great, including customisation, toughness and aesthetic, and have improved the ergonomy and hygiene in the Z3. You can now choose the finish of the back and front piece, change the bar with ease and cover the excetric in a more efficient way.
Available in a clear or opaque finish in a variety of colours, the policarbonate front cover adds more protection and is more hygienic.
The Z3 includes a brand new aluminium adaptor with an ergonomic design.
The central chasis in the back piece of the Z3 is made with PPS - a material which carries a mineral charge and fibreglass, making it incredibly customisable and resistant.
It features a high quality brushless maxon motor which is customised with an integrated chip and sensor.
Grip/Vice piece sold separately
ArtDriver Stainless Steel Grip
True Gent Screw-On Disposable Grip