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MTS Blog — tattoo machine


The Brilliant New Tattoo Podcast - How Much For a Sleeve? 0

Podcasts have become increasingly popular in recent years, with more and more people tuning in to listen to like-minded people and enthusiasts in their chosen field chat about topics of interest.  In February of this year, there were 1,750,000 podcasts with over 43 million episodes available, (which is up from 18.5 million in 2018!).  Whether it's comedy, fashion, food, or current affairs that you're into, there's a whole host of content out there to suit your passion, even in more niche markets.  

Our Favourite Tattoo Machines From The Last Year - Best Tattoo Machines 0

When it comes to choosing the right tattoo machine, there are a lot of things to be considered.  Your tattoo style will often have be a big influence on the type of machine you go for.  With a choice of coils and rotaries, and now also pen style tattoo machines, there's an endless variety of machines out there that all have an array of features and benefits tailored to suit your needs. 

The almighty Killer Bee Tattoo Machine is here! | Killer Bee Tattoo Machine Supplier 0

One of the hottest tattoo machines on the market right now is the Killer Bee Tattoo Machine from Immortal Innovations.  All tattoo artists know that a good quality, well-built tattoo machine is paramount when it comes to producing excellent tattoos, and the Killer Bee tattoo machine offers just that!  At Magnum Tattoo Supplies, we’re fortunate enough to be a Killer Bee Tattoo Machine Supplier, and we’re ecstatic to hear how happy our customers are with this machine, and we’re thrilled with the amount of excellent feedback it’s received!

Sailor Jerry and his influence on traditional tattooing | Tattoo Machine Accessories 0

One of the most iconic tattoo artists of all time is Norman Keith Collins, more famously known as Sailor Jerry.  We’re huge fans Sailor Jerry style tattoos here at Magnum Tattoo Supplies, and as a UK supplier of Tattoo Machine Accessories we thought it’d be fitting to have a look at some of the incredible Sailor Jerry flash, and also check out some Sailor Jerry inspired old -school tattoos by modern day artists.

Let's Marvel at these Tattoos! | Tattoo Machine Wholesale 0

Marvel is a hugely successful franchise by now, arguably the most successful comic-book franchise with DC right next to it. I've always preferred Marvel myself so I thought we could start by looking at some awesome tribute tattoos to the heroes of Marvel and we will look at the DC heroes another day! Here at MTS we sell tattoo machine wholesale but we also love comics and tattoos, so let's get into looking at some of this awesome artwork.

Tattooed Teachers? | Tattoo Machine Wholesale Supplier 0

I recently came across an article in The Guardian called “Should Teachers be able to have Tattoos?”. The article peaked my interest because it’s not one that’s wholly new to me as my mum is a manager of a nursery and she we have had many conversations on whether she should show her tattoos at work, it’s something that she thinks a lot about. Now I am obviously coming from a bias position as we here at MTS as a tattoo machine wholesale supplier love everything about tattoos, so keep that caveat in mind so you know which side of the fence I am coming from. The article basically showed a few different statements from head teachers, teachers, parents and one tattoo artist that used to teach maths. It was fairly open ended in the way it didn’t state at the end whether there was a right answer, let's look at some of the points that were brought up.